Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Not-So Novel Discovery of Harmonium

Perpetuum Mobile (opens in new window) music by PCO

This will be a regularly updated blog, at least weekly. My aims are to establish a growing discussion of how we as beings wish our reality to be. The awe of living-as the most significant, with chatter of technology, banter of ethos, and all the while learning from each other. There are so many truths, each of our own creations of reality-what happens when we allow the natural world to speak through us via science rather than forcing science upon nature. For me, mc^2=E means a great deal. We are all energetic beings, not merely the dense (mass) body we wear throughout our days.

Final word: let us find a truth that rings so loudly within us that it upgrades the vibrations of the bells and whistles that clamor for our attention; the inner world -> outer world and not the other way around. 

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